Wednesday, April 30, 2008

im·mi·gra·tion, WHAT? WHY? and HOW?

the act of immigrating.
a group or number of immigrants.

Thats according to However, I believe that people have their own definitions of Immigration. "Escape of oppression," "discovering the American Dream," and "religious freedom" are a few.


There are plenty of reasons people would want to immigrate to the United States. A broad and general view of the reasons would more than likely all go under the "To Better My Life" category. There are many areas of ones life that can undergo betterment. We know that most immigrants escape poverty and unemployment in their homelands in a journey to discover better wealth in America. However, research suggests that causes are much more complex and numerous than we tend to assume. The capacity of natural disasters, environmental crises, overpopulation, wars, and civil unceasingly uproot and send into motion millions of people around the World. Moreover, our asylum policies and refugee offer relief to some non-citizens fleeing religious, political, ethnic, and gender persecution.


There are several people that think that immigrants are mostly illegal. The stereotypical view shared by many creates a lot of racism against people who may have taken the steps to legally reside here in the United States.

Naturalization, official act by which a person is made a national of a country other than his or her native one. (

Introducing Your Little 1/4th Mexican.

Over the next few blogs, I plan on writing about Immigration. Not just illegal immigration, but in general. I'm interested in this topic for several reasons.

One being that my father is hispanic, and i have roots down south. I have always ignored this side of my heritage, and it's high time I start looking into where I came from.

Secondly, I have been concerned about what in the world to blog about. So when Miss Candice Tufano recomended it, I said yes.

Lastly, It really is something i have wanted to further research. There is a lot of hype about illegals, and it really bothers me that Americans tend to disregard the fact that they are less inclined to get angry at those who look like us. What I mean is, Canadians aren't subjected to the racism and hatred that Mexicans are, who differ in looks greatly. I'll be speaking about that further in a later blog, however.

Until then,
-Your Little 1/4th Mexican